
imprint“Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak.” – Anon

Today an interesting event occurred as I attempted to achieve gains through the physical pain I willingly inflict on my body at my local gym. Today happened to be the day most dreaded, despised, and often disregarded by most gym connoisseurs. It was leg day! After completing my allotment of required repetitions on the leg press machine, my eyes were drawn to the bench after I stood up. Immediately plastered on the bench was the outline of my body. The image was a clear as an individual’s bulbus oculi after the application of Visine. This Rembrandt-esq piece was designed by the artistic medium excreted by the sudoriparous glands of the skin known as perspiration. As I stood there and glanced (for a total of three seconds due to evaporation) at my doppelgänger, an interesting thought detonated in my cerebellum.

What imprint do I leave on others? Do those I interact with leave with an imprint of my true character? Do I even leave an imprint at all?

“Character is the indelible mark that determines the only true value of all people and all their work.” – Orison Swett Marden

Each day we are blessed with opportunities to leave an ineffaceable mark on someone’s life. We can use our words to imprint life, kindness, encouragement, and positivity in the minds of each person we encounter.

Don’t leave behind an imprint that will evaporate within three seconds!


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Penny Loafer!

penny2“You’ll come to learn a great deal if you study the Insignificant in depth.” – Odysseus Elytis

A few weeks go as I ambled toward the parking lot while heading to my car, an object caught my eye. The item in question glistened under the searing midday rays of the sun. Immediately, I became enthralled by curiosity and found myself drawn to this object in a hypnotic state like a moth drawn to a light on a front porch. When I came within striking distance I realized that the item which shimmered in the distance was simply a spherical copper penny. This penny was covered in dirt, tattered, and bent out of shape. A penny in this condition may even be deemed by some to be insignificant, not salvageable, or not worth picking up!

How often do we feel like that penny? How often do we feel that we are insignificant, purposeless, unwanted, broken, or even worthless?

The truth is, that we are all special. No two people are exactly alike. Please excuse me as I let my inner nerd loose for a brief moment. Scientists estimate that there are roughly between 10-50 trillion cells in the human body. In order for two individuals to be exactly the same each one of those trillion or so cells would need to be exactly the same size, type, and location.

We all are fearfully and wonderfully made. We have been intricately designed a specific way for a specific purpose.

“A human being is a single being. Unique and unrepeatable.” – Eileen Caddy

Your importance in this world is to copious to be tabulated, calibrated or elucidated!


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Rock n Roll!!

atlas“If your strength is small, don’t carry heavy burdens.” – Chinese proverb

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to cross an item off my rather prolix bucket list. I had the opportunity to embark upon a boulder jumping adventure. Boulder jumping (for those who might be unfamiliar) is the act of hopping, crawling, squeezing through, scaling steep rocky terrain in a spider like fashion, jumping onto a gigantic boulders then pulling yourself up with your arms and crab walking down steep terrain. Needless to say, this activity was extremely arduous and challenging. The golden rays of the sun pounded on my body like a nail being hit by a hammer into two wooden beams. To make matters worse, I carried a backpack filled with goodies (lots of snacks, water and Gatorades). With each passing minute, I felt as though the weight I was carrying was increasing at speed that rivals that of a cheetah found in the sub-Saharan region of Africa. I couldn’t help but to think, “I wish I had someone to help me carry all this weight!” How often do we find ourselves in a similar position?

“Life’s heaviest burden is to have nothing to carry” – Source Unknown

As humans we tend to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We carry insecurities, hurt, emotional wounds, stress, frustration, pressure to live up to expectations and achieve our goals, etc. We tend to carry an insurmountable amount of weight around as if we possess the ant-like strength to efficiently carry that weight for long periods of time. We don’t have to carry all our burdens on our own.  We can talk to trusted friends, family, teachers, co-workers, pastors, counselors in an attempt to lighten the load we carry. There is someone we can always approach regardless of the time of day or the nature of our situation, and his name is Jesus.

“Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

Don’t allow your backpack of life to become weighed down with the burdensome liquids of stress, insecurities, and disappointment!

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