“True Success”

Success is usually defined in one of two ways; the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, or the attainment of popularity or profit. The question I wish to pose to you is “How do you define success?” Each day our minds are bombarded by images of success portrayed by the media. We see rappers wearing lots of jewelry while riding around in expensive cars. We hear news reports of athletes or actors that purchase multi-million dollar homes. We watch reality tv shows that highlights the daily activities of celebrities. Today’s society has a momentous fascination with the lifestyle of the rich and famous (lavish purchases and luxurious possessions).

However, that is not true success. “Success is not measured by what we have. It is about who we are and what we have to give.” My definition of success does not involve the depths of my pockets or the amount of zeros I have to the left of the decimal point in my bank account. Success for me involves being a person of character, values, and standards. Success is making a difference and leaving my mark on this world. Success is helping as much people as I possibly can in whatever ways I can. Success is maturing fully and becoming the man I am called to be!

Let me ask you again, “What is your definition of success?”

Until next post…